Monday, May 10, 2010

Phew, what a week!

This last week has been quite an eventful one for me. I feel like my life is moving at warp speed, and there is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it! Many firsts and milestones have occurred in my life over the last week, many of them moments that may seem like nothing to the non-mom, but that will be forever stored away in a little treasure box in my heart...

#1 -  Ella pretty much started sitting up on her own. She still topples over, but is learning to hold herself up pretty well. I have mixed feeling about this! Obviously I am proud of her, but I feel like I'm not ready for her to do anything on her own yet!

#2 - I got Ella to take a bath without screaming like the world is about to end. This is an accomplishment in the sense that it just makes my life easier!

#3 -  Ella has discovered her toes. It really is the cutest thing when she grabs her toes... Although not so much when she does it during a diaper change. :)

 #4 - I finally stopped pumping! This is again something I am having mixed feelings about. I wasn't able to breastfeed as planned (as most of you know) so this was Ella's main source of food for the first 4 months or so. However, within the last 4-6 weeks, she has increased her ounces for eating, and my supply started dwindling quite considerably. So it was just time, and I have to deal with that. I will definitely try the breastfeeding route again with my next baby, but I'm not sure if I can ever pump that many times a day again!

#5 - Ella turned 5 months old on Saturday! I'm considering doing a small half birthday celebration next month, just for fun.

#6 - My first Mother's Day was yesterday! I remember a year ago I was only a few weeks into my pregnancy, and all I did was dream about the child that was to come. Now that she's here, I can't imagine not having her in my life.

As I sit here typing this, I am watching Ella sleep. I love this little girl so much it hurts! Here she is in her "Respect Your Mother" onesie from yesterday:

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